I am addressing this piece to that part of your life, about which we don't talk enough.
Those specific moments, from the time you lose hope till you regain it. When the taste of defeat is fresh, despair is real, doubts are torturous and when the language of hope is Greek to you (that is, if you don't understand Greek. Duh.) I am talking about that person - in those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. Because, the rate of recovery of hope is not the same for everyone.
But does this world really care? Or, can it?
Don't we all live in a world where room for failure is less, and the time to grieve about it, even lesser?
That is why, I want to take this moment to appreciate the fighter in you. However you choose to navigate through those emotions and get the work done (or not), it is commendable. We give ourselves way less credit than we deserve (including me. learning. period).
On one of those tough days, I am sure that each one of you has powered through a presentation which absolutely could not be rescheduled. I am sure that each one of you has at least once maintained a calm and firm voice when internally there was definitely some tears and screams. I am sure each one of you has had days where your default mode was that of a machine and you completed work because it was easier than delaying it.*
That's why I repeat - we give ourselves way less credit than we deserve.
Today, I urge you to share how you survive those moments. If someone could benefit from your ways, then why not? I'll start.
I write. What you read right now (if you did, thanks!), is an edited version of my rage and sadness because of a stupid work incident.
Let me know yours in the comment section. :)
*(of course, if these situations are frequent, kindly seek medical help)
I try to distract myself from the stress or frustration by doing something random immediately. Listen to music, take some photos, read, watch, anything. This helps me to be on a space that is reserved for myself and also gives the confidence to pull through the day.